International Symposium and Meeting 2017
At this PP resume meeting, junior members presented their findings during poster sessions. Thus, they received feedback and input concerning individual projects from other junior and senior members of our PP, as well as international experts on multitasking.
The ensuing symposium on “Human multitasking from an attention, learning, and action perspective” comprised talks on specific aspects of research and practice of human multitasking, presented by renowned experts (Eliot Hazeltine, Iowa State University; Pierre Jolicoeur, University of Montreal; Rebecca Lewthwaite, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, Los Angeles & University of Southern California; Francois Maquestiaux, Université de Franche-Comté, Besancon; Gabriele Wulf, University of Nevada). The next day, senior members gave joint position talks presenting their collaborative work within our PP. On the third day, in smaller groups, PP members discussed current issues, ideas and strategies concerning active collaborations and continuation proposals. DFG representatives and members of the review panel joined this event, providing PP members with the opportunity to ask questions regarding continuation proposals. Thus, the meeting was crucial for the continuation period, providing additional content-related input concerning most recent international developments on the subject of multitasking, (international) networking opportunities, as well as opportunities to discuss continuation proposals and collaborations within our PP.