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Dr. Leif Johannsen


 funded by

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DFG Priority Program (Schwerpunktprogramm) SPP 1772

Last changes made on May 8, 2023, no further updates planned


Human performance under multiple cognitive task requirements:
From basic mechanisms to optimized task scheduling


In modern life, people face many different situations that afford multitasking. Usually such situations are associated with performance decrements, failures and risks of accidents. This priority program aims to bring together different lines of research on human performance under such multiple cognitive task requirements (i.e. multitasking) in order to provide a new integrative theoretical framework to account for this fundamental aspect of human behavior.


Additional information



  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG
  • Funding period: 6 years
  • First funding period: 3 years, starting date August 2015
  • Second funding period: 3 years, starting date October 2018


SPP members second funding period

SPP members second round


SPP members first funding period

SPP members at the Kickoff meeting


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